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Dundee at a Glance


Our Local Priorities

The Dundee Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) is responsible for developing a local multi-agency Strategic Framework. The overall aim of the Framework is to reduce harm from alcohol and drug use, support wellbeing and the recovery of people who experience longer-term challenges associated. The Strategic Framework is an overall guide which sets out what we will do to achieve this. Below are the five key priorities found within the current Strategic Framework (2023-2028), which are supported by a two-year rolling Delivery Plan (2023-2025). 

1. Reduce significant harms linked to drug and alcohol use by delivering the right care in the right place at the right time
  • Reduce the number of Near-Fatal Overdoses (NFO) and drug-related deaths.
  • Reduce the harm caused by alcohol use, and the number of alcohol related deaths.
  • Improve the quality of life and wellbeing for individuals affected by substance use, including ‘out of hours’ support.
  • Reduce the number of children and young people affected by parental, and/or their own substance use.
  • Reduce injecting related harm (blood-borne viruses, wounds and infections).
  • Support for those affected by cocaine and benzodiazepines use.
2. Promote cultures of kindness, compassion and hope, tackle stigma and discrimination and embed trauma-informed approaches
  • People in Dundee benefit from effective, integrated person-centred support to achieve their recovery.
  • People affected by substance use report being treated with dignity, respect and without stigma.
  • The workforce across all services report feeling valued and supported to adequately fulfil their role.
  • All organisations in Dundee adopt a trauma-informed approach and practice.
3. Reduce the enduring impact of drug and alcohol use through an increased focus on prevention
  • Fewer people develop problem alcohol and drug use.
  • Individuals, children and families are supported at lower/early levels of intervention, and families report feeling appropriately supported.
  • Reduce the incidences of violence related to drug and/or alcohol use.
  • All partners accept equal responsibility for implementing our prevention and intervention strategies.
4. Empower people and communities affected by substance use to participate in and influence decision-making, commissioning, planning and improvements
  • Individuals and communities will be supported by improved and effective interventions, directly responding to the needs of individuals in recovery and their communities.
  • People affected feel listened to, believed and understood.
  • There is a culture of inclusion to support meaningful contributions from people with lived and living experience, and from the communities in which they live. 
  • Strategic planning and commissioning are meaningfully informed and directed by the skills, knowledge and experience of lived and living experience and the wider communities in which they live.
5. Ensure appropriate and effective governance arrangements and strengthen communications with stakeholders
  • There is clear accountability, transparency, inclusion and involvement.
  • Clarity about the resources required, commissioning arrangements and evidence the effectiveness of investments.
  • Key stakeholders, including those with lived experience, the workforce and communities, are confident that their views are listened to, respected, understood and contribute to positive change.
  • There is clear and regular communication with local communities.