Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards came into force in April 2022. These standards are still in development across the country, utilising a phased approach for developing and implementing each one of the ten Standards.
The MAT Standards define what is needed for consistent delivery of safe and accessible drug treatment in Scotland to reduce drug deaths. All services and organisations responsible for the delivery of care related to recovery have to adhere to the Standards.
Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards are being prioritised and introduced to help reduce drug death, other harms and to promote recovery. The Standards provide a framework to ensure MAT is safe, effective, accessible and person-centred to enable people to benefit from treatment for as long as needed.
The MAT Standards define what is needed for consistent delivery of safe and accessible drug treatment in Scotland. All services and organisations responsible for the delivery of care related to recovery have to adhere to the Standards. The Standards aim to improve access and retention in MAT and enable people to make informed decisions about care.
Dundee has been working tirelessly on progressing the implementation of the MAT Standards. Progress on the implementation can be found in the national benchmarking reports. Each area is rated on their progress against each Standard annually.
Experiential Data Collection
As part of ensuring the standards of care are making a difference to those accessing services, experiential data collection is a key part of evidence required by the Scottish Government and contributes to the national implementation benchmarking across the country. Reported experiences of people using the services directly influences each area's rating.