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Collaboration with NHS GGC 

Over some years, the Alcohol and Drugs Health Improvement Team for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has worked with its many partners to create and utilise a prevention framework approach to guide and help improve the overall quality of prevention and harm reduction.

The evidence base for the earlier version has been refreshed a number of times, but over the last two years the decision was taken to conduct a more fundamental update of the framework – both of the main elements and also to ensure that the evidence informing good practice was updated.

The revised framework offers continuity around major themes, whilst also considering newer areas of development and approaches. Examples of the latter include the rising prominence of understanding of the impact of trauma in the early years (for example the extensive literature on adverse childhood experiences), as well as emerging work on the Whole System Approach, being utilised in a number of areas of Scotland and being championed by partners such as Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland.

Dundee ADP Prevention Group have worked closely with NHS colleagues in GGC and discussed their vision of developing a similar prevention framework for Dundee. GGC Health Improvement colleagues are in agreement that Dundee utilise the up-to-date evidence briefings and literature review that was undertaken recently by Rocket Science on behalf of GGC Health Improvement Team.

The work of the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Drug & Alcohol Prevention Framework is available HERE.