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An asset-based approach involves “mobilising the skills and knowledge of individuals and the connections and resources within communities and organisations, rather than focusing on problems and deficits”. Asset-based approaches can increase self-esteem and reduce social isolation. They are based on the notion that recognising individual strengths, as well as establishing supportive social networks and engaging in positive activities in the community, can support recovery.  

Assets can be grouped into:   Individual assets eg resilience and self-esteem  Community assets eg social networks and community cohesion  Organisational or institutional assets eg employment security, safe housing and political participation. 
Assets can be grouped into:   Individual assets eg resilience and self-esteem  Community assets eg social networks and community cohesion  Organisational or institutional assets eg employment security, safe housing and political participation. 


The role of practitioners implementing alcohol and drug prevention initiatives / services would be to help individuals, communities and organisations to realise the full potential of assets and support their mobilisation to overcome challenges identified in individuals’ own lives and local areas. 

Preventative approaches which are person-led ensure that individuals are empowered to make decisions about their own alcohol and drug use and recovery. It has been shown that individuals are often well placed to articulate what would help them personally to move to and sustain recovery.