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The theme of harm reduction recognises that a valid aim of alcohol and drug interventions is to reduce the “relative risks” associated with their use. Harm reduction is a core theme for prevention as it recognises that in cases where it is not possible to entirely prevent or stop substance use, there are benefits for individuals; health and social care services; and wider society in limiting substance-related harm. 

Harm reduction is linked to person-led approaches in that it is designed to help people “define and reach their own goals” regarding alcohol or drug use, without “presupposing that they have a specific goal in mind” e.g. abstinence.  

While harm reduction can underpin all preventative approaches, specific initiatives include:   Preventing drug-related deaths eg with take-home Naloxone  Responding to outbreaks of bacterial infection  Improving the sexual and reproductive health of people who use alcohol and drugs  Reducing instances of binge drinking and the harm related to this